Welcome to the online application and reporting system for Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) and the Clinical Pathways program
BPSOs located in Ontario:
Links to your specific report and deadlines will be emailed directly to each BPSO via email.
- Pre-designate BPSO contact: Andrea Stubbs at astubbs@RNAO.ca
- Designate BPSO contact: Angela Joyce at ajoyce@RNAO.ca
- BPSO Long-Term Care contact: Citlali Singh at csingh@RNAO.ca
- BPSO OHT contact: Andrea Stubbs at astubbs@RNAO.ca
- Indigenous BPSO contact: Tanya Costa at tcosta@RNAO.ca
- Specialty Francophone BPSO Contact: Sajal Umalkar at sumalkar@RNAO.ca
National* and International BPSOs:
National (* except Ontario) and international organizations interested in applying to
become a BPSO, please contact Sajal Umalkar sumalkar@RNAO.ca to obtain the application link.
Clinical Pathways program
Links to your specific report and deadlines will be emailed directly via email.
- Contact: Sajal Umalkar at sumalkar@RNAO.ca